Posted first on [Alexandrian-Witch] Digest Number 35

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000

Subject: Degrees & Initiations


What a fascinating Topic. This is one of those that I have felt can never be explained too much.

It makes me wonder if more people within the Craft were more responsible with thier up-lines, there may be less confusion within the community as a whole. I am not saying- as previously discussed- that we as Traditionalists, Gardnerians & Alexandrians are better than Eclectics, Dianics, etc., just that when we hold to our old traditions and pass them on we give back to the community the stability in which it lacks.

The Coven I was originally Initiated into, held to the Pass-Down system of Initiations. A dedicant (Novice) needed a 1* sponsor, a 1* needed a 2* sponsor and a 2* needed a 3* sponsor. As the Coven was a teaching Coven it worked toward instilling confidence in a person to enable them at 3* to hive off. If one chose at any point, not to take the next degree, they were taken out of the Sponsor loop, this did not make them any less, they were just that degree. Everyone at each degree had resposibilities and were expected to take care of them. This way, everyones confidence would remain intact. At the time that my original Coven disbanded, there were 3 HPS and 2 HP all 3*, when the Lady of our Coven returned to England she left us Her legacy. We met, and Sistered Off, We voided, but yet I still get Hallows and Yule cards from a few, We grew in our own directions and moved on. We were taught to respect that which was and to create what we would in the Future to come. As for Hiving- I was taught that when one reached 3*, you were expected to think about hiving off. After all- We all move out of our parents home sometime.

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven



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