Greetings My Friends,

This is a brief description of Screaming Geese Coven.

We are located in the Southern Chicago area with members from all around the Greater Chicago-land area.

Each of the Elders ~

Lyn Nitz: High Priestess   


Roger Stevens: High Priest ,

Kelley Leverich: Guardian ,


Mystik (Martha Loew) Elder 

all have a minimum of 17 years experience in either Wicca, Religious Studies or Both.

The Craeft to us is a Way of Life, it being so; we look at the Coven as an extension of our own families.

We plan not only Traditional Ritual Circles, but also Cook-outs, Lectures, Camping Trips and social get -togethers so that our families can participate as well.

Wicca to us is a Religion First.

There are many other aspects to the Craeft that we practice ~ Candle Magick, Spellwork, Healing, Divination, etc.

These are also important to the Craeft, but we do not use them as our central focus.

We are a multi-Traditional Closed Coven.

Full and New Moons are open to our Dedicants only.

(Exceptions can be made by personal invitation of the Elders only.)

We are a Guiding Coven ~ if there is something you wish to try, let us know, and we will try to help you incorporate it into our Rituals.

We view Our Coven as a HOME for those that seek the Gods in Worship with us.


What Tradition do we follow ~~

We follow a Path that we set for ourselves many years ago.

Our backgrounds are (in alphabetic order) Alexandrian, Celtic, Dianic, Eclectic, Georgian, Native American.

All of these we combine with Traditional Wicca.

We look back much to bring forth the well-spring of knowledge of our Souls and let it fly within the safety of Our Sacred Circle.

We have teachers who offer training on a limited basis. They also offer Initiation in the 3-Degree system for those who actively seek and work towards this goal. Screaming geese is not a Teaching Coven but Allows for teaching with in its scope.

Please check our schedule of public events

or Call us at:

or e-mail us at:

or write us at:


6646 West Archer

Chicago, IL 60638

for additional scheduling information.

You can FAX us at 7733775008,1870,2




LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


Follow these links to the rest of the Virtual Home of Screaming Geese Coven:

SGC Home page

SGC Link page

SGC Information page

SGC Schedule of events page

Elder Speak

The Wiccan Reed


SGC CookBook



Site created by R .D. Wolfe -- last updated on 5-1-2002

For questions or problems with the website contact: SGC webmaster