Posted first on in the IL-Pagans forum

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For the most part, what works on women will work on men as well,

And some of those herbs which serve to allieviate erectile dysfunction will also increase sperm count.

Ylang-ylang, I believe, is good for this, as well as ginseng.

Ritually speaking, I'm also a big believer in damiana and orris root powder.

Ah. We have seen some good luck with the damiana, when capsulated fairly freshly ground.

The liqueur is lovely, but not terribly potent.

We will see what we can come up with on the ylang-yland and orris root.

Right you are... but I also think there are exceptions.

The gender equality issues here with our Southern Illinois group aren't too blown out of proportion,

most people seem to handle it fairly well.

It just seems to me that gender is usually just used as another way to separate humanity into sects...

men and women, race, sexual orientation....

people need to accept that, for the most part, everything under the sun has already been seen and done,

the world's not nearly as shocking as we sometimes find it, and we just need to learn to take it in stride.

Yes. I have a friend who was deeply hurt when told he (a single father)

could not take part in his daughter's "coming of age" rituals because he was male.

Never mind that he was the only parent that his daughter ever knew.

She was uncomfortable enough that they eventually canceled the rite and left that Coven.

This was in Texas.

I have run into the gender issue more in the south and west.

Here in Chicago, I have run more into the polarity issues of no homosexual people allowed

(ditto for polyamory folks).



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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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