Posted first on [Alexandrian-Witch] Digest Number 35

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000

Subject: Minors in the Craft

Greetings, I have several takes on this.

I'm a mother, 2 of my 4 children are Wiccan. All of my kids started in Circle when they were 4 years old. They mainly came to festivals and then if enough kids were in attendance, they would hold their own 'Circles'. I found that this gave them a sense of not only belonging, but that the Craft was not bad or evil.

As they have grown, 2 have chosen not to walk this Path, and 2 have. My 18 yr old has a study circle that he hangs around with. They get together for informal circles and talk and try different methods out. My youngest daughter has chosen to practice with my Coven. As we have some open rituals and reserve High Ritual only for specific times and practices, she is usually present with our Circle. She is 12 now and has quite a good grasp of the energies and some of the techniques of the lesser magicks.

Initiation is however, a long ways off. I had to prove myself when I was 19 to the coven I intended to join, and so even my own will have the same quest. I am glad to see discussion of this type because it makes me feel better that the Olde Ways have not altogether been forgotten or rewritten (which is mostly the case in the US).

My main issue I have is one that I have taught my son to be respectful of.

It takes more than just reading a book and saying the words for 6 or so months to make one a High Priestess or High Priest (Lady or Lord). One of his friends tried to pass himself off to him a while back and asked if my son would like to come to 'Rites'. My son said OK, and attended. I have taught him to be respectful and cautious, he came home and told me how this 'kid' (18 yr old) claimed to be a High Priest and that he did some half-assed Ritual out of the Necronomicon and then asked my son afterwards what he thought. My son told him that if he ever wanted to meet a Real Witch he should come over sometime. His friend has never taken him up on the offer.

My mixed bag on this issue is this -

I say we should teach our children our Craft, but to their level of understanding.

Give them a solid base, they are the future Wiccans, and in being so, I for one will feel better knowing that my kids know the difference between just playing at tricks and the Touch of the Gods.

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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