Posted first on [Alexandrian-Witch] Digest Number 35

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000

Subject: Readiness for Initiation


I recently had the degree and rediness discussion with a Gardnerian friend of mine. He is Hp of a Coven in a neighboring state, so I only see him occasionally. On the first day we met (over 3 years ago) he approached me and asked if I would stand HPS in his Lord of the Hunt ritual. I accepted , and from that time on we have spoken through and by mail.

Recently, however, one of his students approached me and was concerned as to why I would think his HP (my friend) would not take him to Red Cord. I said that I did not think it was my place to question his motives, but if it came up I would talk to him. Having worked with this Initiate in Circle several times, I saw his promise. The next day - over sharing a meal, I had the chance to talk with my friend. He said "would you talk to 'T' about why he hasn't sought his Red Cord?" AAAHHHH 2 minds, 2 Men (sorry no offense). I thought for a few minutes and then sat back and let all my years of training and praticing take over - I told my friend that he needed to look through the Eyes that do not see - He was just the tool, the instrument in which the Gods grant Initiations and that if he would open himself to that avenue, a decision might be easier.

I was taught that It is the Gods that confer Initiation - they only need us to make it so on the physical plane. The olde standard of "It takes a Witch to make a Witch" is still very valid (at least in my book. I gave my friend food for thought that afternoon and by the time of our parting, he was planning a Lammas initiation for his student. I think in this case it was a matter of the teacher not being confident enough in what he had taught his student and that his student may have grown beyond what he expected. Have others here run across similar situations?

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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