Posted first on in the PaganTopics forum


Releasing either yourself from a circle/ coven or someone else is always a serious matter...

As you stated in an earlier post that you are planning a releaseing ceremony/ritual for you former HP then at this time it would also be appropriate to release yourself from the circle/coven as well and any others who chose to do the same....

The aspect of it that you will need to help with the release is the names of all those involved and a very good pictoral imagination....

in a meditative state, in secure surroundings call up the image of the circle when it was at its height, ie..when you were all practicing on the same wavelength.

Now imagine each persons magickal person within the circle an one by one see them bowing and fading out of the circle into the white light beyond....

when the circle is completely empty,

imagine the Lord and Lady giving their final blessings unto the circle and then also fading and then each of the Quarters flaring up in thier final blessings and them also fading ...

Now imagine a Blue White Flame cleansing the circle and the space and releasing the circle as it makes its way around the edges in a widdershins direction.....

When you have finished this releasing procedure, take a bath or a shower and use sea salt to cleanse the remnants of the ritual from your aura....

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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