Posted first on in the wicca_coven forum


For Solitaires who wish for the Coven experience, my advice is join an existing Coven whenever possible. If you live in an area where covens are either underground or are in the closet or that there just isn't a coven in sight, the best route to go is to start with a study group of interested persons. Start small - Running a study group is hard work, Running a Coven is a part-time job. I work at a full-time job, 8 hrs a day-40 hrs a week and work either with my Coven or on its activities or Rituals and with my students(7) and their material about 15-20 hrs a week. Don't doom you or your group to fail because you don't have the time and/or stamina. ITS WORK! Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about starting a Coven: 

The Place - when, where, the amount of space needed for Ritual

The Tools, The Candles, The Cakes, The Wine, The Salt, The

Water, More Candles, The Ritual itself, Who Leads it or do you

Pass the Wand, Indoors or Outdoors, is the Space Secure?.

These are just a sampling of the many things that will need to be considered in starting a group - 

What material are you going to study, Which Authors are good and/or bad, any specific tradition or Path, will

you be Wiccan or Pagan? Not all groups or covens are Wiccan. Where are you going to meet and when, also how frequently…

If you remain Solitaire, you can do what you like when you like, without the interactions or interruptions of others. Finding those of a like mind that can also work as a group mind is not always easy- In the almost 3 years that Screaming Geese has been running, we have had several people come and go for various reasons. So the Craft is not static, it breathes…..What one must always remember….The Gods will only give you what they know you can handle because even they have a great sense of Humour.

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven



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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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