Posted first on in the IL-Pagans forum

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Why do some women feel that their only valuable asset is their body?

Some women are taught that by their mothers. A former lover of mine was just like this.

She has left a trail of broken hearts and relationships because of it. Society also has a hand in it.

Most cultures teach women that they are at best second class folks compared to males;

sometimes they are considered so valueless as to be expendable.

Wiccan/Pagan subcultures can counter a lot of that, and has

(I am so proud of some of the younger folks I have seen raised in it and how they treat gender and racial issues)

but they are all still in the dominant culture which objectifies and reduces women to less than the sum of their parts.

For some women, it gets them what they want with a minimal amount of fuss

and it even "gets back" at those men who do treat women like a portable boob machine.

Why do some men beat up their mates? Why do some women?

Why does anybody beat up anybody for that matter?

There are a variety of reasons and possibilities. None of them justify the behaviours, imho.

Why can't we just get along?

Bad breeding? Not enough chocolate?

Why, when a girl grows up without a stong male role-model, she tends to latch onto men to replace what was missing,

seeing their sexual advances as an indication of what male love is?

Why? Just "why"?

Same reasons some boys go for women who will reinforce their views that all women

are bimbos with an agenda for their wallets.

Why does "girl power" involve skimpy, revealing clothing (check your local trendy teen clothing store for an example)?

Why do these clothes sell so well?

Because it is really a marketing ploy by the same folks that brought us "heroin chic"?

Why are new strip clubs always opening? Why is there a virtually endless supply of employees? Patrons?

Because some folks cannot find companionship and these people desire an outlet and prostitution is illegal for the most part?


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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