Posted first on in the 1_The_Circle forum

<snipped headers>

From: <snip>

double standard is alive and well <name snipped>.

it isn't fair, but in this society that is to be expected.

that is why i am glad paganism is returning.

gives women back their power.

maybe then older gals will be worth something, as wise women and as sexual beings....

i darn well know we still are, but some of the men are slow to 'get' it. <snip>


Yes American males are slow on the uptake,

I have been Wiccan for 18 years and have found that pagan men are not as rough on older women as mainstream men....

I have had lovers of many a different age, the younger ones sometimes seek out older women as they feel we have our S*** together and wont play games with them....

This can be true, depending on the woman.

Sometimes older men can be a blast, they can treat you like a Goddess,

because they feel gracious that you would be seen with them...

it is all a matter of perspective, respect and maturity....

Many Blessings

Lady Morgen

HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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LADY MORGEN, HPS Screaming Geese Coven


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